Monday, December 11, 2017

An Evening.........

I remember the gleam in your eyes as we met on a cold Christmas evening
the melancholy in my heart to hug or kiss.
The warmth of touch you gave me on as we drove
Lit with a passionate fire.
I love your arms at dinning when your warm white flesh 
Touches mine in a fond embrace.
I love your nose when it enmeshes
Your kisses against my lips.

Kiss me again my sweet with your warm wet mouth still fragrant with Friday night rose
As I wait with wild desire, give me the love as I feel your breath on my shoulder.
As you came in, a little smile radiates in me as I float on air.

That your body and soul are mine.

Clasp me close when I sleep in your warm  arms, in the joys of life.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Waiting to fly…….

Cloud, cloud in the sky

Why don’t you take me as I wait?

Why can't I be there when she needs me the most?

Why can't you travel with me from Atlantic to Arabian?

Why do you wait?

And why are you late?

Why can't you come and take me as I wait on the balcony?

Why can't you be there this bright morning?

Why can't you manage to fly faster when I’m in love?

You're supposed to be me in that sky

So, cloud, cloud, why did your mind stop your longing heart?

Cloud cloud …. In me!

Monday, July 31, 2017

West coast and East Coast ... 5 years!

“Elise…eeee…. Elise.. … honey where are you?”, Lewis called, opening the reading room door.

The reflection of curly brown hair appeared still on the mirror in spite of wind blowing from the sea through the porch of the reading room. She stayed there unmoving, in her favourite room facing the Atlantic.

Elise Sen worked at an international bank as a senior executive in Doha. Born to an Anglo Indian mom and Bengali dad in Kolkata, she was a fitness freak since college days. After the breakup with her college buddy, she worked as an investment banker in London for a couple of years, but during the recession of 2008-09, she moved to Doha on a new assignment.

Lewis and Elise met in Doha for the first time when Lewis missed his flight to London.  Lewis was in 21B and as Elise walked in, listening to thousand years by Christina Perri, she saw that her seat was 21C. Lewis had few grey hairs but that didn’t stop Elise from looking at him. He had beautiful blue eyes under his glasses, a symmetric face, muscles under the blue linen shirt and above all softness in the eyes and gentleness in his smile.

Elise was in her usual black flowery dress that she wore for travel. They exchange greetings but most of the time, Lewis was fast asleep in the seven and a half hour flight. Elise completed two recent Oscar nominated movies in the inflight entertainment. At Heathrow Airport her team had arranged airport pick up so she could rest for the evening in the hotel.

Next morning when she entered for training she saw Lewis and a sigh escaped her. He was here again!

Her boss introduced him to her telling her that with decades of expertise, Lewis Cliff was a global expert on MBTI and other psychometric analysis and he was one of the trainers for the group for the next two days.

After two days of power packed sessions, as part of the team building activity they all went on a cruise, on the Thames.  As it rained during third day evening, the group went to a local happening place for a cup of coffee. Kaffeine cafĂ© was bustling with people where Lewis and Elise were on the same table; as they passed the food over the table, their hands touched. There was a strong tingling sensation that both of them felt and instantly their eyes met and they knew that it was now forever!  As everyone started to depart, they hugged each other by wrapping one's arms around the other's neck and touching faces cheek to cheek. She saved her number in his mobile. They couldn’t leave and held hands for a few seconds, while everyone else walked on ahead of them.

That night she felt like a teen and couldn’t stop smiling as she removed her makeup. It was the best feeling she ever had even though it lasted a fraction of a second-the warm cheesy hug .The left cheek was special now as it had touched him. Same time that night he couldn’t stop the butterflies in his stomach but when he went back to his room he realised that she was twenty years younger.

Once a philophobic, he got to the tip of knowing that there was someone who drove him to the deepest waters of Atlantic; despite that he was amazingly in love with this woman. He decided to text her.

Hi there!

Elise replied ....  Lewis.

Lewis: Honey

Elise: Let’s catch up tomorrow morning

Lewis: Honey

For the next two months, they spoke everyday on Skype and texted each and on every possible moment.

Finally Lewis told her that he will come to take her. Elise packed up all her things and got ready to move from her home facing the Persian Gulf to her new home facing Atlantic. The journey was momentous this time, the second time beside him- this was overwhelmingly perfect and her heart kept racing.

She moved to their Villa near the sea after four hours of journey from London central. As days passed by, she realised that she had never seen a “real” man’s home where the dishes were done, clothes were folded, and tasteful art from India was hung on the walls. She remembered her childhood in Kolkata, timeless treasures spent with her mom and now all of that came back to her.

Five years later, they were still insanely in love with each other. They both believed in marriage but never stepped forward on that idea.

Lewis was in San Diego on an assignment and Elise texted him.  Honey come soon missing you.

A couple of months back when she was not keeping well, she went to see a doctor when Lewis was away on an assignment in Australia. She was told that she has a tumour in her brain. She never disclosed this to him and decided to keep it to herself. Enjoying each and every moment with him happily was all she wished for.

Elise knew that he was coming home by evening and prepared his favourite Carrot Halwa, Indian dessert that she first made in their kitchen together. He calls his love, "my sweet Indian dessert".

After reaching Heathrow he called her and she told him that she was waiting for him.

As he drove back home, she texted him the lyrics ….

When I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air!